Rümlinstraße, Stuttgart

Site: Stuttgart
Services: Competition
Duration: 2022
Connecting Element

Our competition entry complements the ongoing development of the Rosenstein Mitte neighborhood with three new buildings. The T-shaped six-story structures establish a connection to the existing buildings and continue the pathways initiated in the neighborhood. In addition to residential and office spaces, semi-private courtyards and luscious green passageways are created for the neighbors. The two modern residential buildings offer high usage versatility, ranging from 32 sqm studios to 120 sqm apartments. The third building is dedicated to commercial use, with an adjacent garden for the daycare center on the ground floor. Both the buildings and the outdoor areas dissolve the boundaries with the existing structures and provide a reassuring framework for the idea of community. In line with sustainability, there is minimal sealing, biodiversity roofs, facade greening, retention areas, and habitats in the outdoor spaces. To create conditions for circular construction whenever possible, construction materials are used in a sorted and pure form.