Schule am Webersberg

Site: Homburg (Saar)
Services: Competition
Duration: 2023-2024
Visualization: astigmatics studio
Schule am Webersberg

Transforming the mountain into a school – this was the guiding idea behind the design proposal for the new school on Webersberg in Homburg. Long, linear structures in a wood-hybrid construction method follow the natural contours of the slope, creating a modern school environment with multifunctional circulation spaces. Openings to the outdoor areas create a dynamic layout, offering spaces for a variety of playful and educational uses. A central drop-off and pick-up area, along with the spacious adjacent entrance hall, ensures that all key recreational and teaching areas are fully accessible without the need for stairs or elevators. This design is specifically tailored to meet the needs of a special education school, which is focused on physical and motor development. The design seamlessly allows students to move independently and freely across the entire campus.